Turning Inspired Thoughts Into Inspired Actions

Team Up to Clean Up
Boksburg Community Cleanup is a grassroots
non-profit initiative driven by passionate
residents dedicated to making a tangible
difference in our community. Rather than
waiting for change to happen, we have taken it
upon ourselves to reclaim our power and
actively create a clean and well-maintained
At Boksburg Community Cleanup, we have
taken the first steps towards creating a cleaner
and well-maintained suburb by investing our
Through collaboration with local businesses, we
aim to secure the necessary resources, tools,
and equipment needed for ongoing cleanup
and maintenance activities.
By involving community Businesses, we not only strengthen our collective impact but also foster a sense of shared responsibility and pride in our neighborhood.
We purely rely on donations by individuals and businesses to organise clean ups in the community. All our members contribute their time without remuneration.
Boksburg Community Project NPC is a registered Non Profit Company. Registration: 2023 / 843483 / 08
260,321 Boksburg Residents
Imagine if we all contributed in small ways. We would see big improvements.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower and unite our community to create a cleaner and maintained environment for all.
Through our community cleanup project, we strive to foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among residents, businesses, and organizations, as we work together to preserve the natural beauty of our surroundings, while maintaining the infrastructure.
Our Vision
Our vision is to create a community that thrives in a pristine and sustainable environment. We envision a future where clean streets, parks, and public spaces are the norm, and where every individual takes responsibility for preserving and enhancing our surroundings.
In our envisioned future, residents, businesses, and organizations work hand in hand, engaging in ongoing efforts to reduce litter, promote recycling, and maintain our infrastructures.
We see a community that understands the interconnectedness of our actions and their impact on our suburbs.
Our Core Members

Helen Kruger
NPC Member
Helen is the business owner of Brand Expert, who specialises in Signage, Print and Displays. Giving freely of her time to improve the community.

Desiree Lee
NPC Member
Desiree is the business owner of MTBApp and member of Brand Expert. Passionate about the environment in which she mountain bikes and lives.

Gina Fraundorfer
NPC Member
Gina is the business owner of Indigo Wellness. Mental and physical health can be affected by our environment and that is why Gina is keen to make a difference.